Felix Cheung named Connaught New Researcher

September 10, 2024 by Michael Pereira

Psychology Professor Felix Cheung has received a Connaught New Researcher Award to support one of the most comprehensive studies on democratic backsliding and subjective well-being. 

Awarded annually to early-stage researchers across the University of Toronto, the awards are part of the Connaught Fund—Canada's largest internal university research funding program. 

“This award will be instrumental for our research group,” says Cheung, who leads the Population Well-Being Lab. “This line of work will form a cornerstone of our research program on understanding how structural and institutional factors shape our well-being.” 

Democracy is on shaky ground globally amid eroding democratic institutions, escalating voter suppression, repression of civil society, and the marginalization of disadvantaged groups.  

“Without democracy, policies may no longer promote what truly matters to people’s quality of life,” Cheung explains. 

Developed by Cheung and PhD student Levi Stutzman, the study will use cutting-edge data science to examine the human cost of democratic backsliding as it relates to subjective well-being, or the overall evaluation of the quality of one’s life. It also aims to identify core aspects of democracy that are especially important to promoting global well-being. 

The award will support a doctoral student and an undergraduate student in producing a literature review, data management and analysis, and a manuscript. 

“The Connaught New Researcher Awards are designed to help accelerate the research programs of our hugely talented early-career scholars as they establish themselves in their respective fields,” said Leah Cowen, U of T’s vice-president, research and innovation and strategic initiatives.

Learn more 

Connect with the Population Well-Being Lab on LinkedIn, Instagram, or X—or sign up for their newsletter—to learn more about Dr. Cheung’s work.