Scholarships & Awards

There are several miscellaneous in-course scholarships for which undergraduate students may be eligible. Except for the following three scholarships, students should be advised that there are no application procedures. Students will be awarded based on their eligibility under each scholarship's criteria. Please note: Only St. George campus students are eligible for these awards.

Students can also access Awards Explorer through or via ACORN. Awards Explorer is a centralized, searchable database of awards available the University of Toronto. Future and current undergraduate and graduate students can easily look for awards in one location using a combination of keyword searches and filters, including award type/faculty/college, citizenship and more.    

The George Mandler Research Fund was established to award undergraduate students undertaking research initiatives in the Department of Psychology at the St. George Campus.  The amount of the award varies from year to year, and can be split between two recipients if the award selection committee wishes to do so.


Funds will be awarded on the basis of academic merit to Psychology undergraduate students who are engaged in student-led research initiatives in the Department of Psychology. Preference may be given to students doing research in labs that do not have funds to support their specific projects.


Students will describe in one page or less how the funding will support their research. They will also include a brief statement (1-2 sentences) explaining how their research will be supported if they do not receive the funds.  Eligible students should fill out the required PDF iconGeorge Mandler Research Fund Application Form and email it along with a PDF formatted copy of their academic history from ACORN to the Undergraduate Administrator ( by September 30th of each year.   

This award will go to a graduating student from the St. George PSY Specialist, Research Specialist, or Major programs, with an 'A' average or higher, who enrols in an approved graduate program in Psychology at the University of Torontoconcentrating in the area of problems of children. The value of this award varies from year to year in the range of $3000-4000 CAD. If you will be enrolling in, and starting a graduate program, this coming Fall in this particular area of study, please fill out the PDF iconHorace O. Frosty Steer Award in Psychology Application Form and return it by email along with your grad school letter of acceptance, and the concentration of your studies, as well as a PDF formatted copy of your academic history from ACORN.  Before funds are distributed to the chosen candidate, proof of your enrolment in the graduate program will be required. 

Completed applications should be emailed to the Undergraduate Administrator (  Deadline to submit each year is May 15th.   

To be awarded to one or more full-time or part-time undergraduate students in the Research Specialist program in the Department of Psychology, St. George Campus, for an outstanding senior thesis related to the field of Cognitive Science. Funds (a minimum of $500 per recipient) will be awarded at the discretion of the Chair, Department of Psychology, based on the merit of the thesis.  Research Specialist students finishing up their PSY400Y1 thesis should apply by no later than May 1st of each year by filling out the PDF iconGlushko Senior Thesis Award Application Form.pdf and emailing it along with a PDF copy of their finished thesis to the Undergraduate Administrator at  Please make note that only theses related to the field of Cognitive Science are eligible.  

The Department of Psychology's internal departmental deadline for 2024 NSERC USRA applications is Monday, March 25th, 2024. Students and their supervisors apply via the NSERC website. Applications must then be downloaded into a PDF and submitted to the Undergraduate Administrator via email to, along with the student's academic history (from ACORN). Please see the following for more information:

Dept. of Psychology Rules for NSERC Applications:

  • We will not accept applications from students registered at other universities
  • We will not accept applications from non-PSY Program students or UTM/UTSC students
  • Supervisors must only be from the approved list (see above)
  • Students must have a current minimum CGPA of 3.0 on their transcript
  • Students must be in at least second year to apply
  • We will not accept late applications
  • You MUST commit to the full 16-weeks of the work term (40 hours per week)

The Department's internal application deadline for the Summer 2024 UTEAs (for NSERC, SSHRC, and CIHR) is March 11th, 2024.  Applications must be from UTSG Psychology program students and submitted via email to For more details and eligibility requirements please visit the UTEA websites:

The UTEAs are for 14-weeks and the time spent is ~40-hours per week.  This is a full-time committment during the months of May-August, depending on the student's start date.  Please see the program guidelines here:  PDF icon2024-UTEA-Guidelines.pdf  

How to apply:

In one PDF document, please combine the following documents and send them by email (please include your UofT student number in your email) to

1. Two-page application form filled out by both student and supervisor:  File2024-UTEA-Application-Accessible-Final.docx

2. Student academic history from ACORN (do not purchase an official transcript)

Eligible Supervisors:

A supervisor must hold an active NSERC, SSHRC, or CIHR research grant (either as principal investigator or co-investigator) at the start date of the UTEA (May 1st) or have a pending application. A faculty supervisor may hold a maximum of 2 UTEA awards per year. 

PDF iconNSERC Eligible Supervisors_2024.pdf

PDF iconUTEA SSHRC Eligible Supervisors_2024.pdf

PDF iconCIHR Eligible Supervisors_2024.pdf


1. Linda Mamelak Undergraduate Award:   Julia Hu

2. The McNab Scholarship in Psychology:  Yilin Wang 

3. The Dept. of Psychology Student Award:   Anuki Amakaroon     

4. The John D. Ketchum Memorial Scholarship:   Jaemin Hwang and Tsoi Man Tse

5. The John D. Ketchum Memorial Bursary:   Ellen Imamura

6. The Dr. Horace O. Frosty Steer Award:   Norman Zeng

7. The George Mandler Research Fund:   Arya Rose and Gabrielle Desilets