The Ebbinghaus Empire: PCCN Talk Series features (bi-)weekly talks that focus on the perception, cognition, and cognitive neuroscience (PCCN) research areas. It also includes speakers from fields such as social psychology, developmental psychology, philosophy, language, and systems neuroscience. The series aims to promote dialogue across sub-areas of our diverse field and to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms that drive perception and cognition.
If you would like to join the mailing list, please email Claudia (, Amy (, or Asaf (
Upcoming Ebbinghaus Empire Events
All talks are held in a hybrid format (in-person and online) on Wednesdays at 12:15 - 1:30 pm on the dates listed below.
In-person: St. George Campus, University of Toronto (unless otherwise noted)
- Online:
Date | Speaker | Affiliation |
January 15 | Gus Craik | University of Toronto |
January 22 | Student presentations | University of Toronto |
January 29 (UTSC) | Cendri Hutcherson | University of Toronto |
February 5 (UTM) | Keisuke Fukuda | University of Toronto |
February 12 | Peter Kohler | York University |
February 26 | Student presentations | University of Toronto |
March 5 | Clara Colombatto | University of Waterloo |
March 26 | Bria Long | University of California San Diego |
April 2 | Social event |
Past Ebbinghaus Empire Events
Date | Location | Speaker | Institute |
October 9 | SS 560A | Erik Wing | Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest |
October 23 | SS 4043 | Jay Pratt | University of Toronto |
November 6 | SS 4043 | Claudia Damiano | University of Toronto |
November 20 | SS 4043 | Joan Ongchoco | University of British Columbia |
December 4 | SS 4043 | Data Blitz (& FREE pizza) |
January 13 | Michael Zeineh | Stanford University |
January 27 | Dirk Bernhardt-Walther | University of Toronto |
February 10 | Jeff Wammes | Queen's University |
February 24 | Alexis Black | University of British Columbia |
March 10 | Maureen Ritchey | Boston College |
March 24 | Data Blitz | University of Toronto |
January 29
MIKE ESTERMAN – Boston/Harvard University
Title: Neurocognitive models of sustained attention
February 12
CAMERON ELLIS – Yale University
Title: Infant fMRI - A model system for Cognetive Neuroscience
February 26
ANNA SCHAPIRO – University of Pennsylvania
Title: Learning distributed representations in the human brain
March 4
LAUREN EMBERSON – Princeton University
Title: A developmental perspective on the role of familiar interlocutors in bilingual language separation
March 11
ERIK WING – Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest
March 18
BILL HOCKLEY – Wilfrid Laurier University
March 25
Fall 2020
Nov 18
MATTHIAS NIEMEIER – University of Toronto
Title: From the Prehension of Objects to the Comprehension of Others: Computational Principles and Neural Mechanisms
September 18
September 25
ALEXA TOMPARY – University of Pennsylvania
Title: The consequences of consolidation: Transformations in eqisodic memory
October 16
DON MABBOTT – SickKidsTitle: White matter plasticity
October 30
SAMUEL RONFARD – University of Toronto Mississauga
Title: Testing what you're told: The Development of the empirical stance
November 13
STEPHANIE GOODHEW – Australian National University
Title: Emotion and attention: Understanding the mechanisms
November 20
WIL CUNNINGHAM – University of Toronto
Title: Social groups, humanization, and social-cognitive economy
November 27
JENNIFER RABIN – Sunnybrook Research Institute
Title: Using amyloid and tau PET to examine modifiable risk factors in preclinical Alzheimer's disease
December 4
MIN-SUK KANG – Sungkyunkwan University
Title: Reduced reliance on working memory with distraction
January 10 BLAIR ARMSTRONG - University of Toronto
Title: The Temporal Dynamics of Ambiguous Word Comprehension
January 17MATT FEINBERG - Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
Title: The Activist's Dilemma: The Trade-off between Raising Awareness and Recruiting Support
January 31 MONICA CASTELHANO - Queen's University
Title: The Scene-Object Link: Investigating how scene context does and does not influence processing
February 7 GEOFF WOODMAN - Vanderbilt University
Title: Using electrophysiology to measure long-term memory and working memory as they control attention trial by trial
February 14 BLAKE RICHARDS - University of Toronto
Title: Systems consolidation and forgetting - the benefits of easily forgotten memories
February 28 ADRIAN NESTOR - University of Toronto
Title: Elucidating the pictorial content of visual experience: Insights from image reconstruction
March 14 MEG SCHLICHTING - University of Toronto
Title: Encoding of interrelated memories across development
March 21MONIKA MOLNAR - University of Toronto
Title: A developmental perspective on the role of familiar interlocutors in bilingual language separation
March 28 YANG XU - University of TorontoTitle: Colexification across languages reflects cognitive economy
April 4 No meeting this week: COLLOQUIUM LECTURE (Speaker: Daphna Shohamy, Columbia University) Psychology graduate students & Post-Docs present their research
January 18 KAREN CAMPBELL, Psychology Department, Brock University
Title: Finding the aging brain's natural capacity
January 25 ANDY LEE, Psychology Department, University of Toronto at Scarborough
Title: Hippocampal contributions to approach-avoidance conflict decision-making: what do rodent and human studies tell us?
February 1 CENDRI HUTCHERSON, University of Toronto
Title: Neurocomputational approaches to self-control in social and non-social contexts
February 8 KEISUKE FUKUDA, University of Toronto
Title: Why can't we remember everything we see? The role of visual working memory in visual long-term memory encoding and anelectrophysiological approach to aid human learning.
February 15 DAVID ANAKI, Bar-Ilan University
Title: A network perspective of semantic memory: Implications on thought and language
March 1 JAY PRATT, University of Toronto
Title: Capturing visual attention: The role of objects, ideas, events, and nothing
March 8 MICHAEL MACK, University of Toronto
Title: The computations, representations, and neural machinery of category learning
March 14 AMIR AMEDI, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Title: An updated view on the origins of cortical selectivity in the Human Brain
March 15 ALLYSON MACKEY, University of Pennsylvania
Title: Brain development and plasticity: Implications for learning and academic achievement
March 22 JESSICA CANTLON, University of Rochester Title: Math, monkeys, and the developing brain
March 29 DEBORAH TALMI, The University of Manchester Title: Context at the helm of the emotional modulation of memory
Aedan (Yue) Li (Barense Lab): The impact of mnemonic interference on memory for visual form
Hause Lin (Inzlicht Lab): Do midfrontal theta oscillations and pupil responses track subjective conflict during value-guided choice?
Sarah Mossad (Taylor/Smith Labs): Neural correlates of Theory of Mind in very preterm born children
Julie Sato (Taylor Lab): Exploring functional connectivity networks underlying working memory processes in children born very preterm using MEG
Julia Young (Taylor/Smith Labs): Altered white matter development in children born very preterm
Veronica Yuk (Taylor Lab): Verbal and non-verbal communication in siblings of children with autism
Fall 2017
September 20 DATA BLITZ
Iva Brunec (Barense and Moscovitch Labs): Changes in coarse vs. fine voxelwise representations along the hippocampal anteroposterior axis across the lifespan
Amanda Easson (McIntosh Lab): Defining subtypes of autism spectrum disorder using static and dynamic functional connectivity
Aedan (Yue) Li: (Barense Lab) The creation and validation of a novel circular shape space
Shouyu Ling (Nestor Lab): EEG-Based Visual Word Decoding, Feature Derivation and Image Reconstruction
Alyssa Sinclair (Barense Lab): Surprise destabilizes episodic memories
Watch video of Data Blitz at
September 27 MICHAEL INZLICHT, Psychology Department, University of Toronto at Scarborough
Title: From the principle of least effort to the principle of least caring: Insights from the Empathy Selection Task
October 11 JESSICA ROBIN, University of Toronto, Baycrest
Title: Spatial context effects in episodic memory and imagination
Watch video of Jessica Robin talk at
October 18 CRAIG CHAMBERS, University of Toronto
Title: Linguistic reference and visual objects: At the intersection of percepts, concepts, and social cognition
Watch video of Craig Chambers talk at
FRIDAY, October 27 MORTEN CHRISTIANSEN, Cornell University
Special Friday Lecture
Title: The Now-or-Never Bottleneck: A Fundamental Constraint on Language
Watch video of Morten Christiansen talk at
November 15 NOAM SIEGELMAN, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Title: Statistical learning as an individual ability
November 22 SHELBIE SUTHERLAND, University of Toronto
Title: Learning category information across development
Watch video of Shelbie Sutherland talk at
November 29 NOA OFEN, Wayne State University
Title: Development of Memory Systems in the Human Brain
Watch video of Noa Ofen talk at
December 6 CORY MILLER, University of California San Diego
Title: Neurobiology of Marmoset 'Conversations'
Watch video of Cory Miller talk at
January 20 MICHAEL SCHUTZ, McMaster University
Title: Dynamic sounds and perceptual processes: The surprising role of amplitude envelope in auditory perception
January 27 DOUG MUNOZ, Queen's University
Title: Using the eye movement system to probe brain function and dysfunction across the lifespan
February 3 JOERN DIEDRICHSEN, Western University
Title: The representational structure of complex movements in the human neocortex
February 10 KATHERINE DUNCAN, University of Toronto
Title: The influence of ongoing cognitive and neural processing on learning and memory
February 17JENNIFER RYAN, Rotman Research Institute
Title: Seeing what you remember: reconceptualizations of amnesia and oculomotor Hippocampal stakeout: surveilling during search and sleep
February 24 KARI HOFFMAN, York University
Title: Hippocampal stakeout surveilling during search and sleep
March 2 KAORI TAKEHARA, University of Toronto
Title: Formation and remodeling of temporal bridges in the medial prefrontal cortex
March 9 RICHARD ASLIN, University of Rochester
Title: Behavioral and neural mechanisms of statistical learning and implicit attention in infants and adults
March 16 AMY FINN, University of Toronto
Title: The sensitive period for language learning: the role of knowledge and memory
March 23 TARAZ LEE, University of Michigan
Title: The costs and benefits of top-down control: The curious case of choking under pressure
Patricia Marshall (Anderson & Barense Labs): Content-specific age-realted effects of recollection and familiarity
Claudia Damiano (Bernhardt-Walther Lab): Distinct roles of eye movements during memory encoding and retrieval
Kyra McKelvey (Moscovitch Lab): Schemas and memory: Investigating how prior knowledge and novelty modulate memory for complex events
Vincent Man (Cunningham Lab): Dissociable processes underlying context-relevant reward processing
Nathaniel Brown (Inzlicht Lab): Dispositional mindfulness predicts neural responses to faces and affective pictures
Fall 2016
September 21 DATA BLITZ
Chi-Hsun Chang (Lee and Nestor Labs):Memory and perception-based facial image reconstruction
Nick Diamond (Levine Lab)Altered hippocampal-prefrontal oscillatory dynamics supporting associativememory formation in developmental amnesia
Anuya Patil (Duncan Lab)Shifting the balance between pattern separation and pattern completion
Emma Tecwyn (D. Buchsbaum Lab)The influence of social context and causal plausibility on action-sequencecopying by preschoolers, toddlers and capuchins
September 28 DIANE BECK, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Title:Learned Statistical Regularities and Natural Scenes
October 5 JOSEF PARVIZI, Stanford University
Title:Localization of Functions in the Human Brain: Insights from intracranial EEG and electrical brain stimulation
October 19 CHRIS MARTIN, Barense Lab, Psychology Department, University of Toronto
Title: Understanding what we see: The representational structure of perceptual and conceptual object information
October 26 MARLA SOKOLOWSKI, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto
Title: Unravelling Gene-Environment Interplay on Behaviour
November 2 MARGOT TAYLOR, Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto
Title: Functional and structural brain developments in autism
November 9 IRENE KAN, Villanova University
Title: Memory monitoring, new learning, and cognitive control
November 23 ASAF GILBOA, Rotman Research Institute and University of Toronto
Title: Mechanisms of rapid learning-induced neocortical plasticity independent of the hippocampus
November 30 ROSIE COWELL, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Title: Recall without hippocampal engagement
December 7 ELIZABETH JOHNSON University of Toronto at Mississauga
Title: She says tah-may-to, he says tah-mah-to: How children learn language in the face of accent variation
Winter 2015
January 21 STEVE JOORDENS, Psychology, Scarborough Campus, University of Toronto
Title: Creating Habits of Mind: Can Cognitive Skills like Critical Thought Be Effectively Taught in Any Classroom?
January 28 RYAN WEBB, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
Title: Rationalizing Context-Dependent Preferences: Neurobiological Constraints on Decision-Making
February 4 STEFAN KÖHLER Department of Psychology and Brain & Mind Institute, University of Western Ontario
Title: Mechanisms Involved in Assessing the Cumulative Life-Time Exposure to Concepts
February 11 W. DALE STEVENS, Department of Psychology, York University
Title: What Can Resting-State Functional Connectivity MRI Reveal About Higher-Level Cognition?
February 25 ROBIN GREEN, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
Title: Characterization and Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration in Chronic Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
March 4 STEPHANIE DENISON, Psychology, University of Waterloo
Title: The Origins of Inductive Inference in Infancy and Early Childhood
Eric Taylor (Psychology, Pratt Lab): Object-based Attention Depends on Attentional Control Settings
Zhongxu Liu (Psychology, Moskovitch Lab) "Easily Learned, Easily Remembered" Heuristic has its Neural Foundation
Chris Martin (Psychology, Barense Lab): Distributed Category-specific Memory Signals in Perirhinal Cortex
Hans Melo (Psychology, Cunningham Lab): Genetic Influences on Exploratory Behavior
Jackson Liang (Psychology, Barense Lab): Disambiguation of Overlapping Events in the Human Medial Temporal Lobe
Caspian Sawczak (Psychology, Moscovitch and McAndrews Labs): The Role of Episodic Detail in Altruistic Intentions
Fall 2015
September 30 DATA BLITZ
Yaelan Jung (Bernhardt-Walther Lab): Neural representations of scene categories in prefrontal cortex transcend sensory modalities
Kevin Himberger (Honey Lab): Computational modeling of visually learned temporal sequences in a cortical circuit
Emma Tecwyn (D. Buchsbaum Lab): Probabilistic inference in capuchin monkeys
Marta Wnuczko (Niemeier Lab): Why did it take so long before Brunelleschi's discovery?
Veronica Yuk (Taylor Lab): Timing and location of brain areas involved in cognitive theory of mind in children with autism spectrum disorder
Celia Fidalgo (Barense Lab): Source memory deficits and associated with aging and impaired cognitive status
Fahad Ahmad (B. Buchsbaum Lab): An eye-tracking study of pattern separation in recognition memory
October 7 SARAH SHOMSTEIN, George Washington University
Title: Structuring Visual Input: Evaluating Representations Influencing Attentional Selection
October 14 KANG LEE, University of Toronto
Title: Little Liars: Development of Verbal Deception in Children
October 21 ROBIN WEST, University of Florida
Title: Self-Regulation and Memory Change
Please note location change for this talk: 248 Lecture Theatre, Galbraith Building, 35 St. George Street
October 28 BRAD BUCHSBAUM, Rotman Research Institute
Title: Neural Reactivation during Mental Replay: Aging, Amnesia, and Individual Differences
November 4 GILLIAN EINSTEIN, Psychology and Public Health, University of Toronto
Title: Estrogen and Cognition: The Greatest Story Never Told
November 11 ROSANNA OLSEN, Rotman Research Institute
Title: The Relationship Between Eye Movements and Subsequent Recognition: Evidence from Aging an Amnesia
November 18 NEIL COHEN, University of Illinois
Title: The hippocampus, relational memory, and navigating life
November 25 DOUG CRAWFORD, York University
Title: Cellular Basis of Visual Working Memory during Simple Gaze Behaviours
Winter 2014
January 22 LYNN HASHER (Psychology, St. George Campus, University of Toronto and Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Title: Distraction Regulation and Cognitive Functioning
January 29 MORRIS MOSCOVITCH (Psychology, St. George Campus, University of Toronto and Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Title: Episodic Memory: Associations and Transformations
February 5 TALYA SADEH and JASON OZUBKO (Post Doctoral Fellows, Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Jason Ozubko Title: Hippocampal Contributions to the Road Less Traveled: Using Google Street View to Examine Remote Spatial Memories in Virtualized Real-World Environments
Talya Sadeh Title: The Time of our Lives: Neural Mechanisms Supporting Temporal Organization of Episodic Memory
February 12 MELANIE COHN (Neuropsychologist, University Health Network and Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: Social Inference Deficits in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Lobectomy: Risk Factors and Neural Substrates
February 26 JAY VAN BAVEL (Psychology, New York University)
Title: Beyond Intuition and Reason: A Dynamic Approach to Moral Cognition
March 5 ED ONEIL (Psychology, University of Toronto at Scarborough) and MELANIE SEKERES (Post Doctoral Fellow, Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Ed Oneil Title: The Role of Perirhinal Cortex in the Perception and Recognition of Faces
Melanie Sekeres Title: From Neurons to Networks: Brain Activation Predicted by the Transformation Theory of
Memory Consolidation
March 12 DAVID SHORE (Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, McMaster University)
Title: Crossed Hands and Closed Eyes
March 19 CHRISTOPHER HONEY (Psychology, St. George Campus, University of Toronto)
Title: Mapping Brain Networks for Real World Cognition
Fall 2014
October 8 DATA BLITZ
Celia Fidalgo (Psychology, Barense & Lee Labs): Vulnerability to Object Interference in Early MCI
Jason Rajsic (Psychology, Pratt Lab): Confirmation Bias in Visual Search
Davood Gozli (Psychology, Pratt Lab): Attentional Consequences of Action Performance
Iva Brunec (Psychology, Moscovitch & Barense Labs): Time Estimation in Spatial Navigation
Hans Melo (Psychology, Anderson & Cunningham Labs): What Can Genes Tell Us About Cognition? Dopamine-Related Influences on Intertemporal Choice
Sol Sun (Psychology, Ferber & Cant Labs): Attentional Scope Modulates Unconscious Processing
Amanda Easson (Psychology, Doesburg & Taylor Labs): Patterns of Neural Connectivity During A Socially Relevant Inhibition Task in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
October 15 DIRK BERNHARDT-WALTHER, Psychology, St. George Campus, U. of T.
Title: Which Features Do People Use to Categorize Natural Scenes?
October 22 AARON S. BENJAMIN, Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Title: The Processes and Process “Dissociations” of Recognition Memory: A new view on memory deficits associated with aging
October 29 NORMAN FARB, Psychology, University of Toronto at Mississauga
Title: Being in the Body: Meditation, Interoceptive Awareness and Health
November 5 DONNA ROSE ADDIS, Psychology, The University of Auckland
Title: Constructive Memory: False Pasts and Fictional Futures
November 12 BEN HUTCHINSON, Psychology, Princeton University
Title: The Role of Attention in Creating and Retrieving Memories
November 26 DAPHNA BUCHSBAUM, Psychology, St. George Campus, U. of T.
Title: How Do You Know That? Learning from Social Informants
December 3 JANICE CHEN, Psychology, Princeton University
Title: Reinstatement of Neural Patterns During Narrative Recall
Winter 2013
January 30
NICOLE ANDERSON (Psychiatry and Psychology, University of Toronto and Rotman Research Institute)
Title: Current Research in the "other" Anderson lab
ANDREE-ANN CYR (Supervisor: Nicole Anderson, Psychology, St. George Campus and Rotman Research Institute)
Title: Learning from one's mistakes: Effects of age and error processing
EMMA GUILD (Supervisor: Nicole Anderson, Psychology, St. George Campus and Rotman Research Institute)
Title: Priming and recognition are not independent: Encoding modulates the interplay between behavioural priming and recognition processes
February 6
RUSSELL SCHACHAR (Hospital for Sick Children; Professor of Psychiatry and Director of Research and Fellowship Training in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Toronto )
Title: The Role of Cognitive Neuroscience in Genetic Discovery in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
February 13
KRISTOFFER ROMERO (Psychology, St. George Campus and Rotman Research Institute)
Title: The Work Horse of the Future: The Role of the Hippocampus in Constructing Future Events
February 27
SIGNY SHELDON (Rotman Research Institute)
Title: Why do we remember? The functions and processes of autobiographical memory
March 6
Topic: Brain Plasticity and Neurorehabilitation
For information, see
March 13
SANDRA TREHUB (Psychology, Mississauga Campus, U. of T.)
Title: Musical Beginnings
March 20
MIKE ROSS (Psychology, University of Waterloo)
Title: Are Research Findings on Cognitive Aging Reflected in Everyday Performance?
March 27
IGOR GROSSMAN (Psychology, University of Waterloo)
Title: Learning from Solomon's Folly: Wisdom and Perspective-Taking
April 3
FERGUS CRAIK (Senior Scientist, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre
Title: Bilingualism: Consequences for Mind and Brain
April 10
ELIZABETH PAGE-GOULD (Psychology, Scarborough Campus, U. of T.)
Title: Workshop on Bayesian Hypothesis Testing
Fall 2013
October 2
> Jessica Arsenault, Title: Multivoxel pattern analysis of phonetic features during speech perception
> April Au: Title: The role of estrogen on cognitive functioning
> Alina Guna, Title: Visual interference affects the formation of conjunctive representations
> Kyra McKelvey, Title: Place cells and the compression of time; bridging the gap between rats and humans
> Rachel Newsome: Title: Retroactive cues differentially benefit visual working memory in mild cognitive impairment patients
> Jessica Robin: Title: Who, What, Where? Effects of context on memory for imagined events
October 9
ALISON PRESTON (Psychology, University of Texas at Austin)
Title: Medial Temporal Lobe and Prefrontal Contributions to the Formation of Memory Networks
Location: 4043 (Psychology Lounge), Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street
October 16
VICTORIA MCLELLAND and RYAN STEVENSON (Psychology, St. George Campus, U of T)
Victoria McLelland Title: Memory for the Future: The Encoding and Phenomenology of Episodic Simulations
Ryan Stevenson Title: Perceptual Binding Across Sensory Modalities in Autism Spectrum Disorders
October 23
JENNIFER STEEVES (Psychology, York University)
Title: Living with One Eye: Plasticity in Visual and Auditory Systems
October 30
JAY PRATT (Psychology, St. George Campus, U of T)
Title: How Hand Position Influences Visual Processing
November 6
MARY PAT McANDREWS (Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network)
Title: The Hippocampus and Retrieval of Autobiographical Memories: The left and right and anterior and posterior of it
November 13
KARL HEALEY (Psychology, University of Pennsylvania)
Title: The Nature and Sources of lndividual and Age Differences in Episodic Memory
November 20
SHAYNA ROSENBAUM (Psychology, York University)
Title: Hippocampal Contributions to Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Episodic and Semantic Memory
November 27
JONATHAN CANT (Psychology, Scarborough Campus, U. ofT.)
Title: Exploring the Functional Representation in Object and Scene-Selective Regions of Human Visual Cortex
Winter 2012
January 11
SARA SHETTLEWORTH (Psychology and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto)
Title: Modularity, Comparative Cognition, and Human Uniqueness
January 25
KELLY MURPHY (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Centre; Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: The influence of experimental research on behavioural intervention for mild cognitive impairment
February 1
JONATHAN FREEDMAN (Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: How Do We Manipulate This? How Do We Measure That?
February 8
NINA MAZAR (Marketing, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto)
Title: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Morality
February 15
DATA BLITZ: Psychology Graduate Students and Post-Docs Present Their Research
- Mike Armson, Levine lab, Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Centre: The effects of memory remoteness on recall and recognition: development of a novel measure of naturalistic memory - Tracey Herlihey, Ferber lab, Psychology: Walking trajectories in patients with Unilateral Neglect: insights from healthy controls - Lok-Kin Yeung, Barense lab, Psychology: Recognition Memory Impairments Caused by Novel Objects Falsely Recognized as Familiar - Carson Pun, Ferber lab, Psychology: In and Out of Consciousness: Sustained Electrophysiological Activity Reflects Individual Differences in Perceptual Awareness - Joan Ng, Hasher lab, Psychology: Semantic Interference Resolution in Memory: Suppression of Competing Information" - Tim Koscik, Anderson lab, Psychology: Trust in 191 Brain Damaged Patients - Rosanna Olsen, Ryan lab, Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Centre: Eye-movements during the maintenance of spatial information |
February 29
DONALD STUSS (President & Scientific Director, Ontario Brain Institute; Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: The Real World of Science Outside the Lab: The Ontario Brain Institute Odyssey
March 7
EVE DE ROSA (Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: The Yin and Yang of Attention
March 14
CHERYL GRADY (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Centre; Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: The Importance of Being Variable: Understanding Variability in Brain Activity and why it Matters
March 21
SYLVAIN MORENO (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Centre; Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: Brain Plasticity from Perception to Cognition: The Role of Video Games in Altering Brain Function
March 28
Fall 2012
October 3
KRISTIE DUKEWICH (Psychology, St. George Campus, U. of T.)
Title: A lamb in sheep's clothing: Attempts and failures to connect inhibition of return and habituation
October 10
- Marta Wnuczko (Psychology, Kennedy & Niemeier Labs, U. of T.)
“Mirror image arm used in visual and blindfolded pointing”
- Jessica Robin (Psychology, Moscovitch Lab, U. of T.)
“Common and distinct neural networks for episodic and spatial memory”
- Rachel Newsome (Psychology, Barense Lab, U. of T.)
“Minimizing interference improves recognition memory performance in amnesia”
- Susan Gillingham (Psychology, Alain Lab, U. of T.)
“Auditory Search: The Deployment of Attention is a Complex Auditory Scene"
- Alex Daros (Psychology, Ruocco Lab, U. of T.)
“Emotion perception in Borderline Personality Disorder”
- Tarek Amer (Psychology, Hasher & Grady Labs, U. of T.)
"Cognitive Functioning in Older Professional Musicians"
October 24
JEFF ZACKS (Psychology, Washington University in St. Louis)
Title: Event perception, cognitive control, and memory
October 31
DAVOOD GHARA GOZLI (Psychology, St. George Campus, U. of T.)
Title: What Visual Attention Can Reveal About Concept Representation
November 7
MORGAN BARENSE (Psychology, St. George Campus, U. of T.)
Title: Perceiving, remembering, and resolving interference: Joined by a common representational thread?
November 14
WIL CUNNINGHAM (Psychology, St. George Campus, U. of T.)
Title: Emotional States from Affective Dynamics
November 21
SPIKE LEE (Rotman School of Management, U. of T.)
Title: Psychological consequences of embodied and metaphorical thinking: Empirical properties and theoretical implications
November 28
ANDY LEE (Psychology, Scarborough Campus, U. of T.)
Title: Recognition memory, brain connectivity and cognitive training
December 5
TAYLOR SCHMITZ (Psychology, St. George Campus, U. of T.)
Title: Attentional filtering in young and older adulthood
Winter 2011
January 12
ASAF GILBOA (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Title: Can the neocortex rapidly learn Tenrecas? Evidence from lesion, neuroimaging and behavioral studies of “Fast Mapping"
January 19
NIGEL GOPIE (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Title: Memory’s role in our social interactions
January 26
TOMÁŚ PAUS (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Title: Hormones and faces
February 2
MARGARET McKINNON (St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton)
TItle: Effects of affective dysregulation on autobiographical memory and social cognition in patients with neuropsychiatric illness
February 9
BRIAN LEVINE (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Title: Cognition, reserve, and rehabilitation in patients with damage to distributed brain systems
February 16
JORDAN POPPENK (Princeton University)
Title: Ebbinghaus was right: the familiarity bonus in memory and its neural mechanisms
March 2
JESSICA GRAHN (MRC, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK)
Title: The role of motor areas in musical rhythm and beat perception
March 9
MARY PAT McANDREWS (Neuropsychology Clinic, Toronto Western Hospital)
Title: Changes in autobiographical memory networks as a consequence of hippocampal dysfunction or excision
March 16
ELIZABETH HAMPSON (Psychology, University of Western Ontario)
Title: Estrogen and working memory
March 23
March 30
April 6
June 16
CHARLES GROSS (Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Princeton University)
Title: Tales in the History of Neuroscience: Three Neuroscientists Who Were Before Their TIme
Fall 2011
September 28
October 5
STEPHANIE GOODHEW (Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: On the fate of visual stimuli masked by object substitution
October 12
DAVID MANDEL (Defence Research and Development Canada-Toronto)
Title: Framing, Language, and Reason
October 19
TIMOTHY WELSH (Physical Education and Health, University of Toronto)
Title: The way two complete a task and learn from each other: Attention and action in social movement contexts
October 26
JED MELTZER (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Centre)
Title: Language and the three halves of the brain
November 2
KEITH OATLEY (Human Development & Applied Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: Six reasons why the psychology of fiction is important for psychology generally
November 9
ADAM ANDERSON (Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: The Positive Neuroscience Project (PNP)
November 16
KAREN CAMPBELL (Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: Age differences in attentional control: Implications for associative memory
November 23
JASON OZUBKO (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Centre)
Title: Is cued recall really superior to free recall? Item-specific cues improve the accuracy of guesses but provide no true memory benefit
November 30
LIXIA YANG (Psychology, Ryerson University)
Title: The self-reference effect in emotional memory: Spontaneous or effortful mnemonic benefits?
December 7
CAROL GREENWOOD (Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto)
Title: The fattening of America: Cognitive implications
Winter 2010
Jan. 27
JENNIFER CAMPOS (iDAPT, Toronto Rehabilitation Inst. Toronto) (Adjunct Member, Centre for Vision Research, York Univ.)
“Multisensory self-motion perception in real and virtual environments”
Feb. 3
DAVID SHERRY (Psychology, University of Western Ontario)
“Memory for past and future outcomes in food-storing birds”
Feb. 10
RHODRI CUSACK (MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences, Univ. Cambridge, U.K.)
“Using dynamically adaptive imaging to characterise the representations underlying perception, imagery and short-term memory”
Feb. 24
GREG WEST & JAY PRATT (U of T – St. George)
“Evolutionary influences on the prioritization of visual stimuli”
Mar. 03
STEVEN FRANCONERI (Northwestern University)
“Visual spatial relationship representation as a sequence of attentional shifts”
Mar. 10
MICHAEL INZLICHT (U of T - Scarborough)
“Regulatory fatigue: Neurophysiological evidence that initial acts of control affect subsequent control and emotion”
Mar. 17
LYNN NADEL (Psychology, University of Arizona)
”Hippocampus and memory”
Mar. 24
MONICA CASTELHANO (Psychology, Queen’s University)
Mar. 31
“Darwinian themes in contemporary psychology”
Apr. 07
JENNIFER RYAN (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
”Memory binding in aging and amnesia: Deficits and avenues to remediation”
Apr. 14
“Documentary film (2009) about the life and work of Eric Kandel”
Fall 2010
September 29
DATA BLITZ (with inaugural free pizza)
October 6
LEE RYAN (University of Arizona)
Title: Understanding age-related compensation: Varying task demands in source, associative memory, and semantic memory
October 13
NICHOLAS RULE (Psychology Department, St. George Campus, University of Toronto)
Title: The cognitive neuroscience of first impressions
October 20
JAMES BROCKMOLE (University of Notre Dame)
Title: Attention, memory, and scene processing
October 27
NATHAN ROSE (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Title: A processing approach to the working memory/long-term memory distinction: Evidence from the levels-of-processing span task
November 3
BRADLEY BUCHSBAUM (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Title: A comparison of brain activation during perception and vivid remembering of movies
November 10
MARTIN WOJTOWICZ (Department of Physiology, University of Toronto)
Title: Role of adult-born hippocampal neurons in proactive and retroactive interference. Evidence from animal experiments
November 17
CLAUDE ALAIN (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Title: The auditory 'what' and 'where in humans: 10 years later
November 24
JOANNE ROVET (Pediatrics and Psychology, University of Toronto)
Title: Prenatal contributions to atypical hipposcampal development: Studies of early thyroid hormone deprivation and fetal alcohol exposure in adolescents
December 1
YOAV KESSLER (Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest)
Title: Working memory updating
Winter 2009
Jan. 21
JAY PRATT (Psychology, U of T – St. George)
“Orienting and responding: Examining varieties of attention”
Jan. 28
BRIAN LEVINE (Rotman Research Institute-Baycrest Centre)
“Dissociating elements of autobiographical memory with neuropsychology and neuroimaging”
Feb. 04
ROBIN GREEN (Clinical Neuropsychology, Toronto Rehab)
“Recent findings from the traumatic brain injury recovery study at Toronto Rehab: Mechanisms of recovery and post-recovery decline”
Mar. 04
ANDREEA DIACONESCU (Rotman Research Inst-Baycrest Centre) PART I
YUNJO LEE (Rotman Research Inst-Baycrest Centre) PART II
PART I “What” and “where” preparatory task sets in auditory and visual system: behavioural and neural correlates”
PART II “Deficits in face and object processing in normal aging and developmental prosopagnosia: behavioural and fMRI studies”
Mar. 11
KARI HOFFMAN (Psychology, York University)
“Face processing in the monkey using behavioral, electrophysiological, and fMRI techniques”
Mar. 18
DOUGLAS GARRETT (Rotman Research Institute-Baycrest Centre)
”The importance of brain variability ”
Mar. 25
MARY PETERSON (Psychology, University of Arizona)
”Inhibitory competition and context effects in Figure-Ground Perception”
Apr. 01
STEPHEN EMRICH (U of T – St. George) PART 11
”Interactions between working memory and visual attention”
Apr. 08
TOM SCHWEIZER (Neurosurgery, St. Michael’s Hospital)
”Cognitive contributions from the brain’s basement