There are several options for remotely accessing campus-based services. In order to avoid congesting the Psychology network with a large amount of unnecessary traffic, please use this as a guide for when to use each UofT Virtual Private Network (VPN) option. NB: some details have been updated in recent months and years.
- Email and Office 365 web and desktop applications (OneDrive, Excel, etc.): No VPN required. All services can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. To reduce demands on the Psychology network, please do not use a lab VPN for these services.
- Article searches and other library services: No VPN required. Remote access is through UTORid and password. To reduce demands on the Psychology network, please do not use a lab VPN for these services.
- General campus resources (those which are not based at the Psychology Department) and require a VPN: UTORvpn required--please see important new setup instructions here. To reduce demands on the Psychology network, please do not use a lab VPN for these services. This VPN service is automatically available to all faculty, staff and graduate students. See here for more information on UTORvpn. To sponsor UTORvpn access for specific undergraduate students, PIs may contact
- Lab-specific resources (e.g. a network/shared drive, or lab-owned server): Lab VPN required. Many labs already have a VPN running and available to individuals who need access. If some lab members don't already have access to VPN, but will need it, your lab manager may be able to give them access. If you don't currently have a lab manager, or they aren't familiar with the VPN, please contact and copy
- Administrative access to sensitive services (e.g. AMS, ROSI, other select services) that require an eToken. Only required for some staff and some faculty; this category does not include the REDCap database: AdminVPN required. If you need this access, you should already have it. This VPN is required even if you are already on campus. If you don't have access, please contact Brenda Chow for instructions.
(Posted: March 2020)
As of March 2019, all Psychology Department phones and phone lines have been converted to digital (VoIP) and are handled through UofT Telecom Services, under the provider BroadConnect. This means that it’s easier and cheaper to make changes to your phone service.
Phone Service Changes
If you would like to add (or remove) call display, voicemail, conferencing, or other services, please contact Fee changes may apply when adding services. The Psychology Department will cover some aspects of phone service. Please contact the Department Manager for details.
Voicemail Password Reset
Please contact directly with your reset request. Psychology IT cannot reset it directly.
Moving Your Physical Phone
VoIP phones are much easier to move around. In principle, anywhere that has an active network port can serve a VoIP phone. However, some minor network configuration changes may need to be made as well. Please contact Psychology IT if the phone doesn't work in a new location, or for help planning to move the phone.
Ordering a New Phone, Or Reassigning an Existing Phone to a New Person/Lab
This is not difficult to do, but it does require a set of specific information. Please contact Psychology IT for assistance.
Please contact Psychology IT for consultation before you begin designing your website. There are free options for web hosting at U of T, but they have technical requirements. If you build your site without consultation you may not meet those requirements and you may be left paying annual fees for external hosting.
We have paper rolls in only ONE size: 42", and can print any length. When you submit your poster file for printing, please inform us of the desired poster dimensions.
Please submit your poster file in PDF Format.
Poster File Submission
Please send your poster to and include the following information:
- Dimensions of your poster in inches. One of the dimensions should be 42 inches
- Who will pay for the poster? E.g., supervisor (provide name), or pay yourself at the main office
- Preferred pickup date and time
Printing Cost
The cost is $5.00/square foot for colour, and $2.50/square foot for monochrome/grayscale. For payment, please see the Department of Psychology Main Office (SS4020). They will accept cash, or a cheque made payable to 'University of Toronto.' Please pick-up your poster before paying the Main Office (Psych IT will inform the Main Office staff ahead of time, so they know how much to charge for the poster). You can also ask the Main Office to charge it directly to a supervisor/PI (if you have one).
Please submit your request at least 4 Full Business Days in Advance of when you'd like to pick it up. When you send us the print request, we should be able to tell you how long we need to print it.
Poster Pick-Up
When your poster is ready, please pick it up from the Psychology Main Office (SS 4th Floor, Room 4020)
In order to have access to Psychology Department participant pools, researchers must be able to present documentary evidence of current ethics approval from the University of Toronto Research Ethics Board (REB).
This page contains all the information you need to apply for access to the PSY100 Participant Pool. Access is granted on a semester by semester basis. If you wish to renew a previously approved package, please refer to the instructions below.
How to Access to the PSY100 Participant Pool
To apply follow these steps:
- Please read this
document.pdf carefully to determine if you are eligible to use the PSY100 Participant Pool. Researchers are required to read the
Principles and Procedures For Using the PSY100 Participant Pool Summer 2021.pdf before submitting their application package to the PSY100 office for approval. All personnel who will be involved in testing PSY100 participants must read this document.
- Submit a signed
PSY100 Pool Contract.pdf by the faculty supervisor and all personnel who will interact with PSY100 participants, affirming they have read all the relevant material and have agreed to comply with the PSY 100 Participant Pool Procedures (i.e., the documents from steps 1 & 2). Bring signed contracts to the main Psychology Department office (room SS4020). One contract is sufficient to cover all experiments in a laboratory, but each experimenter MUST sign the contract. If additional experimenters join the lab after you have submitted the original contract they must sign and submit an amendment to the contract.
- Create an account on the SONA web system. Detailed instructions are available in the
Principles and Procedures For Using the PSY100 Participant Pool Summer 2021.pdf Once your SONA account is setup email the following material to the PSY100 pool coordinator at
- A copy of the Participant Consent Form approved by the Human Ethics Committee.
- If recruiting participants by phone, a copy of your phone script approved by the Human Ethics Committee.
- A copy of your Ethics
- A copy of the approval form for your study from the Human Ethics Committee.
- approved Debriefing Letter.
- A copy of the six questions and answers used to test participants.
- An
Application Checklist.pdf.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Other than the contract (#3 above), the application process is paperless. That is, all materials are submitted electronically either over the PSYNUP system or via email to No hard copies will be accepted. Submitting hard copies may result in considerable delays, as we will not be checking the physical mailbox with any regularity.To renew an experiment that was approved in a previous term, find the study under the "closed studies" link in the "My Profile" tab of Psynup and click "Reopen Study". For a study to be renewed, your ethics approval must not have expired, if it has, please send the pool coordinator an up to date ethics approval letter.
Other Information and Forms:
Student Receipt of Participation.pdf - All participants must receive a Receipt of Participation. This is the participant's proof of participation.