Patricia Sanchez

Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream


Fields of Study

Areas of Interest

  • False confessions and other contributing causes to wrongful convictions
  • Interrogation techniques
  • Influence of media consumption on beliefs
  • Media portrayals of psychological science
  • Plea bargaining


Patricia Sanchez is an Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream (CLTA) in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto. She completed her Ph.D. in Psychology and Law at the Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY) in 2020. Her research focuses on social psychological theory to understand how popular media can drive social change, which also informs her teaching. Her recent work has focused on the effects of wrongful conviction documentaries on viewer attitudes and legal decision-making. 

Patty is passionate about making science accessible to all. She has been a staff writer for and has been a guest on an episode of Wrongful Conviction with Jason Flom podcast (S8E8) commenting on the false confession of Kenzi Snyder. At U of T, Patty teaches courses in social psychology and health psychology.