ATTENTION: 3rd and 4th year PSY Specialists and Research Specialists
Both the PSY Specialist and Research Specialist programs require that all students complete a 300-level lab half-course (0.5 FCE max.), and the Specialist program requires that students also complete two 400-level seminar half-courses (1.0 FCE max.). In the summer of 2022, the Department of Psychology moved to a new registration system called Course Match to ensure that 3rd and 4th+ year PSY Specialists and Research Specialists are able to enrol in the required number of labs and seminars needed for program completion. To best match up the available classes with students’ preferences and to ensure that they can complete PSY program requirements to graduate on time, students are required to rank in order their preferred lab (3rd and 4th year students) and preferred seminar courses (4th+ year students).
Students: Between June 3 and June 16, 2024, please go to this website and rank your course preference: Login will be based on your UTORid. The site will be open and available until June 16, 2024. You can modify your course preferences/ranking anytime from June 3 and June 16, 2024. Eligible students will also receive an email with instructions on how to use Course Match. This email will be sent out in late-May to students. Decisions will be confirmed by July 5, 2024 via ACORN. Please note that results are not based on first-come, first-serve. For example, students who make their choices on June 3rd will not have any advantage over students who make their choices on June 16th.
Information on 2024-25 lab and seminar offerings are available here:
PSY Labs Course Offerings 2024-25
PSY 4th Year Seminar Descriptions 2024-25
*Course listings are subject to change without notice.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Please read the following:
- To maximize your chances of securing a place in a course from your list of preferences, you are strongly advised by the Department to select as many courses you are interested in as possible. Do not select just one course as you may end up not getting any course through Course Match. Also, do not select courses that you have absolutely no interest in taking; if you are enrolled into something you truly don't want, you cannot ask us to reassign you.
- There is no guarantee you will receive your preferred course(s). The system will attempt to optimally match up students’ preferences with the available slots but there are many students to accommodate. If you don't get your top pick, or even your second (or third), please do not complain to the department. The immediate goal is to make sure that you are able to fulfill your program requirements and graduate on time. While we understand that you want to take courses that interest you or align with your career goals, we cannot make any promises to any student or ensure that everyone gets their first choice. If you are enrolled in a lab or seminar that you're disappointed with, you are welcome to make changes in July when course enrolment begins.
- All students must ensure they have the required prerequisites for the courses they have ranked in their preferences. Do not assume that being able to register in a lab and/or seminar means that you have satisfied the prerequisites. Prerequisites are not checked at the time of course enrolment, however, prerequisites will subsequently be checked by the Department in August/September and December/January and students enrolled in courses for which they do not have the published prerequisites in the Faculty of Arts and Science Calendar ( may have their registration in those courses cancelled at any time. The Department may not be able to assist you if you were assigned a space in a course for which you lacked the prerequisites and were subsequently removed from that course.
- Students who have already completed the required 300-level lab and/or 400-level seminars courses needed for their PSY program completion will not have access to the website to rank course preference. Please be aware that not all PSY Specialist/Research Specialist students will qualify to use Course Match in a given year, as it will depend on what year you are in and which requirements you have (or haven't) completed to date. For example, if you are still technically 3rd year but have not taken the seminars, you will not qualify for enrolment through Course Match since you are not in 4th year. However, some spots in these courses will be reserved for those who are not eligible to enrol through Course Match and have to wait to enrol in July.
- Research Specialist students are not required to complete any 400-level seminar courses for their program, so they will not be able to pre-enrol into any through Course Match. However, Research Specialists will have priority access to enrol in the remaining open spots when ACORN registration for 4th+ year students begins on July 8, 2024.
- Students will be enrolled into their assigned course(s) on ACORN immediately before registration begins on July 8, 2024.
- Starting July 8, 2024 (for 4th+ years) and July 10, 2024 (for 3rd years), PSY Specialist and Research Specialist students may enrol in (space permitting) or waitlist additional courses on ACORN. However please note that you cannot exceed the maximum number of lab (0.5) and seminars (1.0) allowed.
- Starting July 26, 2024, PSY Majors and Minors will be able to enrol into labs and seminars on ACORN. Prerequisites must be met or students will be removed from courses.
- Non-PSY program students at UTSG can request to take a lab or seminar starting July 31, 2024, via email to, as long as the course is not full and the student has all of the prerequisites. Enrolment for non-PSY students will not be available on ACORN, and approval will be at the discretion of the Department. Please note that non-PSY students cannot be added to a waitlist for a lab or seminar.
Please see here for the A&S Academic Dates and Deadlines for Course Registration.